Perusing real apartment listing photos to envision the architectural details I want for my next home...
So the listings may be in different cities etc.
This is just an exercise in being able to Picture IRL the environment I want to live in next!
Try it!
Stevens Community Apartments
128 E 18th St, Minneapolis, MN 55403
Early 1900's three and a half story brick buildings
surrounded by landscaped gardens just blocks from downtown Minneapolis.
Monthly Rent if you were interested:
$700 - $1,500 USD / $1,014 - $2,175 CAD
Best Apartments
2006-2008 Park Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55404
Monthly Rent: $835 - $1,040 USD / $1,200 - $1,500 CAD
I am very particular about bathrooms. I want an original, in good condition bathroom with a deep tub, window over the tub, high ceilings, radiators, with the Sink beside the tub, not the toilet.
A partially original bathroom from Loring Grove Apartments
125 Oak Grove St, Minneapolis, MN
Another example at: Stoneleigh Apts, 2226 Garfield Ave S, Minneapolis:
& at 2222 Harriet Ave S, below, built in the 1920s.
I love original medicine cabinets !!
And at: 2610-2618 Fremont Ave S, Minneapolis:
The Fremont apt also has this Amazing original kitchen sink:
Studios here are: $875 USD / $1,270 CAD / month
This photo from a unit at 1929 Fremont Ave S, Minneapolis
gives me a good feeling fsr:
So do these also from the Stoneleigh Apts on Garfield Ave S, Minneapolis:
I'm a sucker for
archways and windows in kitchens.
Apts here at $900-$950 US / $1,305 - $1,375 CAD
Original built-ins at 3220 Girard Ave S, Minneapolis:
The building looks like a converted highschool:
and has very unusual rental terms:Lease Terms
Short-term lease fees: 6 months: $50 additional per month, 9 months: $25 additional per month ?
Monthly Pet Rent: $25 per cat LOL
Moving on to Detroit, Michigan!
The units in the Manchester Apartments building at
2016 E Jefferson Ave in Detroit, MI are Beautiful.
The layout of the rooms & the window placement is perfect.
That's the building there in the centre, with the Detroit River 4 blocks behind it by a little marina, amphitheatre, and waterfront park.
My dream bathroom original tile, wall and floor:
And of Course I'm manifesting another Walk-in closet at my next apartment, so have to include it here:
Monthly Rent is: $895 - $1,395 USD / $1,300 - $2,020 CAD
More gorgeousness at Heather Hall, 3444 2nd Ave, Detroit, MI!
Beautiful layout as well. Floorplan at end of pics!
Monthly Rent: $745 - $1,375 USD / $1,080 - $1,993 CAD
Floorplan of the one pictured, which is $1,530 CAD:
Here is one in Buffalo, NY!
The Ambassador building at
175 North St, Buffalo, NY 14201
Too bad about the ugly kitchen details but I like the layout, archways, windows and floors.
Monthly Rent: $950 - $1,395 USD / $1,376 - $1,876 CAD
Unique Features: Free Wi-fi In Unit !?
Heading south to Memphis, TN:
Park Terrace
1899 Poplar Ave, Memphis, TN
Loveliest built-ins you every did see...
Other than this place I couldn't find anything else I liked in Memphis rn!
I've never put a bedroom behind french doors before...Obviously you would put shoji paper (traslucent decorative paper) over the panes.
Monthly Rent: $850 - $1,299 USD / $1,232 - $ 1,832 CAD
Lastly, I checked out Philadelphia, PA!
I LOOOVE these two rooms at The Drake
1512 Spruce St, Philadelphia
I think I am drawn to cozy, well-lit rooms rather than spacious spaces.
I was just going to say it looks like a nice hotel, and then I read:
"Constructed in 1929 as a luxury hotel, the Drake was later converted into a luxury apartment building in 2000"
The building is quite impressive from afar
Monthly Rent: $1,233 USD / $1,786 CAD start for a Studio
The layout below, a Junior 1 Bedroom, similar to the photos, is
$1,302 USD / $1,887 CAD on the 9th floor
What I have learned about my living preferences:
- small is ok
- dark is not
- historic details over modern, but not in poor condition
- height is good, i.e. a high-rise might be doable for me at this stage of my life
- I prefer archways to many doors / division without being fully separated
- I dislike excessive natural wood, especially high-gloss
- Stainless appliances are ugly
- Galley kitchen preferred over a kitchen island
- permanent A/C units ruin the vibe
- try not to judge a unit by its blinds. Imagine w/ curtains.
- I don't mind a view of a brick wall as long as the room is bright
-Freestanding appliances (fridges & stoves) with nothing on either side of them are off-putting
Other things to look for:
- If the enamel on the tub is worn, as for it to be recoated before moving in
- Always paint, if you are going to paint, Before your stuff is moved in
- Sweep & mop Before moving day
- Lightbulbs matter. I never use White lightbulbs, except maybe over a Vanity mirror for makeup
- Forced air heating makes skin miserable
- Dimmers are a gift from God
- A fireplace mantle w/ candles in it feels Just as good as the real thing. Even better sometimes because you can move it around when you change your room layout.
- Large area rugs change Everything. If you love a room but hate the flooring, cover it completely in rugs.
- Plain curtains improve any room and make it cozy and stylish. Especially Matte materials like linen or plain cotton.
- Small sofas usually look like shit
- Large Art / framed photos make a huge difference
- Never settle for plastic bathroom organizers / shelves
- Get a Nice shower curtain!!
- Hide your shoes behind closed doors: whether in a closet or a piece of furniture. Even a dresser works. (You can disinfect it after if you decide to use it for other things in the future)
- Manmade Kitchen counters can be painted
- Yellowed fridges can be painted
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